1ST Habanos Golf Cup in Morocco
Distinction, refinement and high-level golf participation, were the ingredients of the success of the first Habanos Golf Cup tournament, held on Saturday 21st of December 2019, in the idyllic and enchanting settings of the Club House Tony Jacklin in Bouskoura.
This tournament was organized by “Société Marocaine des Tabacs”, which is the local representative and sole distributor of , in Morocco. This Premium event was marked by the honorable presence of His Excellency the Ambassador of Cuba in Morocco, Mr. Javier Domokos Ruiz, and by the participation of elite golfers and cigar lovers of the Kingdom.
Throughout this day, golfers discovered a golf course to the glory of Cuban culture: Cuban and other flags, 18 holes themed in the colors of the main regions and cities of the island (Varadero, Santiago de Cuba, La Habana …).
The event ended on an absolute high with an award ceremony, in the presence of Mr. Antoine de la Rochère and Mr. Saad Hassar, respectively, General Manager and Chairman of the Board of Directors of SMT, in a festive and friendly atmosphere, with musical entertainment with amazing Cuban sounds.
An ideal setting for trying out the best Cuban cigars, enjoyed by all participants.